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And who did he threaten?

Gun shop owner arrested for carrying his AR-15 through a mall. A mall where the gun shop he owns is located. So, was he arrested for taking his wares to work? If he carries a rifle in Texas in a non-threatening manner, it’s legal.

3 Responses to “And who did he threaten?”

  1. Douglas2 Says:

    Hey, the mall had a super-secret no weapons policy that they conveniently failed to mention until this incident. So even though he leased retail space there for his gun-store with their full knowledge, he was trespassing.

  2. hilljohnny Says:

    we are talking about Beaumont after all.

  3. TigerStripe Says:

    It’s legal unless somebody gets their panties in a wad. It then becomes “disturbing the peace”.

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