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Let’s not be pedantic about gun terms

Banana clip!

4 Responses to “Let’s not be pedantic about gun terms”

  1. JKB Says:

    We’re not going to fall for no banana clip in the receiver.

  2. Lyle Says:

    Fine, but if you’re calling a magazine a clip, then what do you call a clip? Many platforms use both, they are separately removable parts of the firearm, and so it helps to have a distinction.

    If you don’t mind being handed a clip when you asked for a clip but wanted a magazine, then go ahead and use the wrong term. I certainly don’t care, but if I want a clip I’ll ask for a clip and if I want an apple I won’t ask for an orange, even though no doubt I and the vendor would eventually work it out one way or the other;
    “No; not the citrus oranges– I want those Red Delicious oranges, over there…”

    I understand that some poeple call every variety of soda pop a “Coke” too, and sometimes I even understand what they mean, just as some poeple call any and every motorcycle a “Honda” and you can eventually get what they’re doing if you talk with them long enough.

    The fact that words mean things is lost on some people, which is why I repeatedly point out the meaning of “infringed”. If you couldn’t care one way or the other what it means, whether infringed means absolute denyal or whether infringed means infringed, then I suppose I don’t have to talk with you being as it’s a waste of time.

    I have had whole, fairly lengthy conversations with people, only to realize too late the neither of us understood a thing the other was saying. Some people only pretend to share information or ideas while having some other agenda. I’m starting to spot those scenarios more easily now, so I can avoid them.

    while were at it we could throw out the whole idea of punctuation and grammar you know what im saying anyway so whats the point dont be a prude you arent the judge of me

  3. JKB Says:

    That’s easy. Just get yourself a magazine clip

  4. mikee Says:

    I’m not being pedantic by posting this link to a banana magazine, but I am certainly being ridiculous.

    It was the 1970s. There need be no other excuse.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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