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Solvent Trap Adapter

Via, comes this. Yes, you can use it to thread an oil filter on your gun and not waste solvent while cleaning. Or, you know, for some other reason:

9 Responses to “Solvent Trap Adapter”

  1. Todd S Says:

    Notice the cigarette never leaves his lips. This thing MUST work!

  2. Seth Says:

    I saw what you did there…

  3. pdb Says:

    Yeah, I’m just waiting for the F Troop to come down on this like a ton of bricks.

  4. snoopycomputer Says:

    looks like similar devices are all over amazon too.

  5. Scott Says:

    PDB–you must have missed the part regarding the adapter bring serialized and registered as a suppressor. I like the idea I just don’t know how effective it would be for the calibers that I shoot.

  6. Scott Says:

    PDB–my mistake. I was talking about the product in the video. You were clearly talking about the product in the link. Yup, they will soon get a visit from some men wearing dark suits.

  7. Critter Says:

    I would never ever buy one! PhOoey! And fie upon anyone who would purchase such a thing! I would not sully my hands with such! Never, I say!

  8. Publius Says:

    Two questions: what does the oil filter do to the muzzle velocity and effective range? Second, ditto regarding accuracy?

  9. That Guy Says:

    The solvent trap adapter will not work very well as a suppressor unless something is used to cover the oil return holes.

    So, the “solvent trap adapter” won’t work very well… unless the end user sandwiches a large washer between the adapter and the filter that would reach out to the gasket.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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