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The internet is butthurt because a hunter hunted and then posted a pic of her prey on the internet. And have decided to (irony alert) threaten the hunter with death. They’re butthurt because it’s a lion and BECAUSE KITTIES. I guess. And they’re wrong. And they’re stupid. Seriously, read that “stupidity is a luxury” post it’s worth it.

Now, I don’t hunt, generally. It’s not because I’m opposed to it (though I would not hunt lions for exactly this reason). I don’t hunt because I don’t want to get up at 3:30 in the morning, drive to the distant hunting spot to be set up by 5, then freeze my balls off for several hours all for a possibility at a shot of scoring some meat. I do dove hunt because I can stroll in around noonish and sit in my comfy camping chair. YMMV.

Anyway, these people only want to save the cute or cool animals. They’ll save otters and dolphins and lions. But fuck cows and tuna fish!

8 Responses to “OMG A HUNTER HUNTED”

  1. Crotalus Says:

    Oh, and SNAKES!!! These same people would slaughter any snake they see!

  2. nk Says:

    That wasn’t hunting. The TV babe’s handlers put her in a spot where a semi-tame lion’s handlers drove it so she could shoot it. The poor thing was probably expecting a treat. Fake Fudds and their farm “hunting”. Phooey.

    And I do not fuck cows or tunas. I don’t think that’s legal anywhere in America, and it shouldn’t be. I do eat them. Cooked. Society can say you can do A to an animal and still be someone we want around, but if you do B then we don’t want you around. It’s not ascribing human virtues to the animal, it’s saying what you’d like to see in a human being.

  3. Jack Says:

    Dropping a farmed lion may be as much of a sport as dropping a famred cow, but conversely it’s also got about as much ecological impact.

  4. Kirk Parker Says:

    Freezing your balls off? Easy, next time wear pants.

    Just sayin’….

  5. JJ Says:

    If it had been some ugly dude (like me) then nobody would even care. But let an attractive woman do it and OMFG!!!

    I won’t even shoot farm Quail, much less a lion, but when can we admit that the people upset about this are a bunch of hypocrites and sexists!

  6. Paul Says:

    The only game I hunt is deer.


    Cause I will eat it. If I don’t eat it I won’t shoot it.*

    I don’t hunt ducks, squirrel, rabbits, doves, geese, etc… for that reason.

    *except for cretins that try to kill me or people around me. Plus destructive or diseased animals.

  7. Critter Says:

    I have to admit, dove season is looking more attractive the older I get.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Hey, I like bunnies and duckies, and you don’t see that many bunnies in the meat case. Batch of squirrels in the yard are making me curious.

    Don’t see wanting to shoot a lion, though, unless it was eating your village, although if she ate my next door neighbor…

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