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Magical Thinking

The proposed 28th amendment to the constitution is the Trayvon amendment. Surprisingly, it doesn’t make casing out houses to rob in the future legal.

7 Responses to “Magical Thinking”

  1. milquetoast Says:

    It doesn’t even make it legal to attack someone who you think was following or watching you.

    It’s a pretty lazy troll. The contact is “stabagunnut@*****.com” and it also includes a phone number – probably the number of a guy the troll doesn’t like.

  2. TS Says:

    Wow, too much to comment on everything, But I couldn’t pass on this one:

    The owner will be compensated fair market value of the weapon, minus the cost of the seizure operation.

    So we’ll be paying them to seize our guns. Wonderful.

  3. alanstorm Says:

    Now that was some really good satire.

    Surely, no one could be stupid enough to believe it…right?

    The bit about the extra tax in states that were part of the confederacy was especially funny.

  4. Beaumont Says:

    Amazing. The guy (?) behind the site manages to combine huge amounts of racism, regionalist prejudice, and socialist stupidity in a devil’s brew of extreme toxicity. This is the face, as it were, of the enemy. I use that term advisedly. They don’t hate abstract concepts like “violence”, they hate YOU. The only thing preventing widespread attacks on those they hate is the innate physical cowardice most of them share. They would rather sub-let the violence to black-clad thugs.

  5. Stretch Says:

    Reality doesn’t play a big part in this guys life.

  6. mikee Says:

    When my son was in HS, he came to me for help with an assignment to rewrite the Bill of Rights such as it might appear in a totalitarian state, like Russia or China, where the appearance of liberty was subverted by the very law supposedly supporting it.

    This exercise was not hard, and resulted in pretty much the same 2nd Amendment rewrite as these asshats produced.

    The purpose of my son’s homework assignment was to point out that laws can be perfectly framed, legally implemented, and supposedly for legitimate purposes, but still be fundamentally flawed and anti-citizen. The teacher insisted parents be involved in crafting the rewritten Bill of Rights, to make sure they understood what was going on and to avoid any charges of indoctrination.

    Yes, he went to a public HS in Texas, why do you ask?

  7. Beaumont Says:

    Mikee, god bless Texas. Wish we could convince the ghosts of Sam Houston and Davy Crockett to come home and haunt the politicos in Nashville.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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