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The old gun manufacturer lobby lie

That’s what people tend to call the NRA. Sure, NRA works with gun companies but NRA is powered by dues paying members, mostly. The NSSF is actually more the gun industry lobby.

Wishful thinking, it seems.

Also, NRA seems to be a bit late in reacting when new things come along. I wouldn’t read too much into their non-acknowledgement of 3D printed guns.

One Response to “The old gun manufacturer lobby lie”

  1. Jay F Says:

    Who Does the NRA Represent?
    Dennis Henigan

    “It seems undeniable that the opposition to reasonable steps to reduce gun violence is driven by a cadre of ideological extremists who obsessively communicate their views to Congressional offices, state legislators, newspapers, talk radio hosts and anyone else who will listen (including the Huffington Post!). When the NRA opposes extending Brady background checks to all gun show sales, or other sensible reforms, it is speaking for them, and only for them.”

    There’s something missing here: NO mention of the NRA representing / controlled by gun manufacturers. Henigan was Vice President for Law and Policy at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and he says that the NRA “only” represents “a cadre of ideological extremists.” Why does Henigan differ from all the other gun control activists claiming that the NRA represents / is controlled by gun manufacturers?

    The answer: Henigan wrote this in the Huffington post on 12-23-2009. Gun control activists were peddling their “NRA does not represent it’s members” lie, but blamed an “NRA leadership” that was somehow elected by NRA members who opposed their policies. It is only more recently that they concocted and incorporated the “gun manufacturer control” lie.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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