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Stop me if you’ve heard this one before

Our local talk radio is inundated with ads from Lamar Alexander. He touts that he’s a conservative and has voted against Obamacare eleventy billion times. Except that one time it mattered. And all those other times it was attached to pork.

Meh, fuck that guy.

If you want to vote the bums out, start with your own bum.

6 Responses to “Stop me if you’ve heard this one before”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Indeed. I hear Sharon Angle and Christine O’Donnell are both eager to wrest the nomination from him!

  2. Crawler Says:

    Couldn’t agree more Unc.

    When the propaganda ads started popping up — extremely early, election wise, mind you — I knew right away that Lamar knew he was in deep doo-doo with voting Tennesseans over his recent Senate deceit and shenanigans.

    Ole Lamar was one of the RepubliProgs that voted to give lifetime Supreme Court gigs to two vehemently anti-gun/anti-liberty leftist activists. One of whom had never judged a case in her entire sorry activist life.

    It’s time we Tennesseans notify Lamar that his gig is up in the District of Criminals and exile him to his beloved Prog pasture so he can wallow in his own muck for the rest of his sorry-ass days.

    Ideally, a good tar & feathering would be just and appropriate when Lamar’s dismissal slip is finally punched and delivered, but knowing Bob Corker will be watching Lamar’s fate from the wayside will be good thing for sure…

  3. chris Says:

    Gee, Unc, I figured you paid Lamar $2,500 to get your picture taken with John McCain in the airport hangar of your town on Monday.

    I through away my invitation for this without even opening it.

    I feel the same way about Corker.

  4. Windy Wilson Says:

    “One of whom had never judged a case in her entire sorry activist life.”
    Crawler, I did not know that. Shades of Rose Bird! Well, at least she’s not Chief Justice yet. Sadly we can’t get rid of her as easily as Commifornicated got rid of Rose Bird.

    I think every incumbent will try to claim they were against the Affordable Care Act, and it is up to their challengers to point out that they were against it except when it mattered, and then they rolled over like the family dog when the burglar brought out the tri-tip. What was the Kerry line? “I was against it before I was for it?”

  5. mikee Says:

    Here in TX we have Senator John Cornyn running ads reminding voters that he has always voted against Obamacare, that he is as conservative as a post oak, and so on.

    He started running these reminders immediately after he did not vote against Obamacare, allowing the debt limit to be raised without gaining anything from the Dems.

    I look forward to reminding him, even with just my one vote, that his primary challenger (unknown at this time) doesn’t need to lie about his voting record.

    Ted Cruz at least stood up and voiced opposition. Cornyn rolled over and stuck his paws in the air, hoping for a belly rub, I guess.

    It isn’t only Tennessee that has problems with otherwise sensible Republicans.

  6. Huck Says:

    No Windy, it was the other way around; “I was for it before I voted against it.”

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