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Or they’ll hold their breath until they turn blue

Brady Campaign to Cling to Relevancy says we are on the cusp of new federal gun control. You guys couldn’t get a background check bill a few weeks after a whackjob gunned down 20+ first graders.

3 Responses to “Or they’ll hold their breath until they turn blue”

  1. Patrick Says:

    Looks like a lot of wishful thinking. That said, I am betting Obama would do just about anything right now to draw attention away from his ACA problems.

  2. Windy Wilson Says:

    Affordable Care Act. Two lies in three words. A new record for the Congress.

  3. mikee Says:

    How far under the radar was “Fast and Furious” before the first US victim, Brian Terry, was killed?

    Why on earth do you think that was the only anti-gun operation the Obama administration was running?

    What else is going on by executive fiat and no-oversight regulatory action and state legislative action in those few places unable to stop Dem proposals (like banning lead ammo in CA, or the NY SAFE Act)?

    It will take years and millions of $$ to undo CO, NY and CA anti-gun laws. When the Obama-empowered CDC is done linking exercise of self-defens rights to public safety, which do you think Obama will recommend gets priority?

    We know what he has tried and failed to accomplish. The enormity of that over-reach, the indecency of his methods, and his intransigence should make it clear that he will use every minute up to the swearing-in of his successor to damage gun rights.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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