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Runner’s World Anti-Gun

Well, this won’t take long.

3 Responses to “Runner’s World Anti-Gun”

  1. mikee Says:

    Note that our Dear Leader promised more action from the Executive Branch on gun control this term. It is entirely possible that these articles are solicited by the administration.

    “The entire column begs the question as to why Runner’s World is publishing politically divisive materials advocating radical policies in a magazine meant for those who enjoy jogging and 5Ks.”

    I’d suggest we are going to “be subjected to a Cat Fancy endorsement of microstamping, or a Cooking Light column on “junk guns” as battlespace preparation for future legislative & executive action. Alinsky works, and this is pure Alinsky.

  2. CaptDMO Says:

    SEE: Mother Jones, Cosmo, Popular Psychology, on ANYTHING remotely deemed “political”.
    I get such slop from Foreign Affairs or The New Yorker (got to see what the commoners are being pedaled).
    Personally, I could see an article in Cat Fancy concerning “Small caliber “assault” rifles vs. cat leash laws.”

  3. Beaumont Says:

    I had no idea Runner’s World was still being published. Judging by other comments I’ve seen, many others were also unaware. Now, of course, they’ll find out that old adage that goes “any publicity is good publicity” simply isn’t true.

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