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Family ties

Good: The family of a kidnapped Louisiana mother tracked down and killed the father of her child in the abandoned house where he was allegedly holding her prisoner, authorities said.

5 Responses to “Family ties”

  1. Ambulance Driver Says:

    Coonasses, represent!

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    The reporting in that article is appalling.

    And why didn’t the police find them? You’d think with their resources they’d have at least taken a look at the house. That’s just pathetic.

  3. Paul B Says:

    Looks like a good shoot. Would hazard black on black, but the police are handling it well. Wonder why they spend so much time in the cane field but missed the house. Sounds like it all ended well, all things considered.

  4. nk Says:

    Why did I expect -eaux in the name?

  5. Patrick in Michigan Says:

    I love it. Justice Cajun style! 😀

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