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Well, I like them

Tam doesn’t get hybrid holsters. Holsters are one of those things like boxers or briefs where there is no right or wrong answer. But hybrids are, to me, like boxer-briefs: kind of the best features in one package.

I don’t like plastic rubbing against my flesh and the leather feels better. I don’t like how leather around the gun can deform, warp, become soft and, in rare cases, become unsafe. So, I have quite a few hybrid holsters. And I like them just fine.


2 Responses to “Well, I like them”

  1. HCL3 Says:

    The belt clips these holsters come with are complete crap. I have personally seen holsters from comptac/minataur, crossbreed, and a couple of others fail in more than one ECQC class. If at all possible get solid loops if you can. If not, maybe you should think about another holster

  2. Bill Chunko Says:

    Cool! That’s all the reason you need. Who cares what anyone else thinks?

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