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But they told me all those gun toters would commit crimes

John Lott notes that Florida permit holders lose their permits at a rate of 0.0066%.

4 Responses to “But they told me all those gun toters would commit crimes”

  1. divemedic Says:

    Not all of those revoked are for real crimes. In 2002, mine was revoked because I was accused of domestic violence by a jilted ex-girlfriend. Six months later, I was exonerated and reapplied for a new permit. I got it back.

  2. Ron W Says:

    You mean rights can be denied for accusations!!??

  3. Matt R. Says:

    Sixty-six TEN thousandths of a percent is not quite the rivers of blood that were predicted….

    Of course they deny rights for accusations. This falls into the “for-the-children”-ism that is used as a pretense for many things.

    -Matt R.

  4. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    Oh Holy Hell!!! It’s a paper cut of blood flowing into the streets! Run for your lives… you cowardly f***ing sheep. And when you reach a safe distance, wait for the government to come and save you and take care of you forever and ever and ever with rainbow transports and unicorn farts…

    Um… did I change course about 25% of the way into that? I did? Good. I must have lost my mind when I started typing.


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