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Well, the first rule of a cult

Is you don’t denounce the cult. This is ridiculous. I’m more agnostic on the coming ice age err global warming err climate change err whatever they call it this week because it’s often pitched in a manner that promotes social engineering and, apparently, whatever they call it this week can be blamed for nearly everything.

And, you know, Captain Coo Coo Banana thinks the people that might question those sorts of things are, you know, just like the apartheid.

8 Responses to “Well, the first rule of a cult”

  1. Roger Says:

    Climate change / Global warming, etc. is the largest hoax ever perpetrated upon (gullible) mankind.

  2. Beaumont Says:

    ManBearPig is secretly a very sad panda.

  3. Ellen Says:

    I was there for the Coming Ice Age panic. I was there for the Global Warming panic. Now I’m here for the Global Climate Change panic.

    The peculiar part? All three panics seem to have advocated the exact same behavior to cure the problem: increase taxes, cut down energy use, and do what the government tells you to do.

  4. John A Says:

    “All three panics seem to have advocated the exact same behavior to cure the problem: increase taxes, cut down energy use, and do what the government tells you to do.”

    Quite so. I too have been through the three you name – including the Fifties and Sixties when pretty much only Science Fiction stories touched on the subject. When I was in High School circa 1early Sixties, there seemed about a 50-50 split on ice-age vs ice-melt.

    Could still go either way, as far as I understand it (not at all well, to be sure). Maunder Minimum?

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    It’s a variation of “follow the money”. Pay no attention to what they call it, unless you want in on the conversation. Just look at what they want us to do to “solve” the “problem”. The people who’ve put forth those “solutions” before are the same that are putting them forth now. They just put a new name to it every time they’re found out.

  6. paul B Says:

    Al Gore is a billionare now. He made is money hyping climate change. That is all you need to know about climate change, in any decade.

    We have thrown away anothe couple of billion funding various green energy scams.

    Almost makes a guy want to head into the high country an leave you flat landers to figure it out.

  7. Ellen Says:

    “Almost makes a guy want to head into the high country an leave you flat landers to figure it out.”

    Climate science aside, there is one thing you *can* predict about the atmosphere: the higher you go, the less oxygen. The gurus and the yeti can have the high country; it’s easier to breathe in the flatlands.

  8. Metulj Says:

    the p value of the latest round is 0.05. Let’s go to the track. There is a horse at 95-1 running is a heads up match against a horse at 5-11. In other words before the parimutuel you get 190 bucks for a 2 buck bet. The favored horse would pay about 20 cents on a 2 buck bet. But there is sweepstakes you have to put a minimum of $200 on in order to win. Which horse do you pick? Do you just bet the line for a very long shot (odds that are rarely ever offered at horse tracks)? Do you bet the sure thing with little reward, but a nearly guaranteed hit? Or do you get hairy and bet everything on the longshot in the sweeps even though there is little reasonable probability that the horse will win over 100 races? My money would be on the 5-11 horse and my vital signs would not change through the running of the race. Remember, in science, there is no such thing as luck.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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