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The rest of the story

About that supposed warning shot we were told about.

4 Responses to “The rest of the story”

  1. Sigivald Says:

    I’m perfectly willing to believe it’s true, but I’d like links to the primary sources.

    “Some guy’s blog says this is how it happened” won’t convince anyone who isn’t already convinced, after all.

  2. Sigivald Says:

    Nevermind the above – his formatting was such that I missed the link in the last line.

    (I’d have put it FIRST, myself.)

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Also how often I read about the parties of a protective order living under the same roof.

    I know there was a judge somewhere charging people when they ignored their OWN orders of protection, but that never caught on.

  4. Geodkyt Says:

    Flat out, the facts — based only on what is published public information plus HER statements on what transpired, still make it a completely bad shoot, “warning shot” or no.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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