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Well, was he warned that someone would invade his home?

Relative of home invader who fatally ended his day with more holes in him than he started with is mad because the home owner didn’t give a warning.

7 Responses to “Well, was he warned that someone would invade his home?”

  1. nk Says:

    Dear Sir,

    I kindly wish to inform you of my intent to burglarize your home which will include the theft of any items of value which I may find convenient to carry away, and need not exclude any amusement I may find in sexually assaulting, torturing or murdering any helpless living creature, human or otherwise, which may be on the premises at the time. I would greatly appreciate the courtesy of being informed of whether you have the means of defending your home and your person, and other persons who may reside with you. I would further appreciate any information you might provide as to your absences from your home so that I may schedule my visit accordingly. You may leave a sign on your lawn should you find it convenient.

    Until then, I remain

    Your humble servant

  2. Paul Says:

    Thank Goodness I live in TEXAS.

    The would-be invaider had a LONG POLICE RECORD and should have known breaking into houses can get you shot here in Texas.

    The fact he was still to dumb to stop his risky habit is his fault.

    The old gent did what he had to and he saved the tax payers a bundle of money.

    Moral of the story… THIS IS SPARTA.. I MEAN TEXAS!

  3. Windy Wilson Says:

    To quote John Book in the opening scenes of The Shootist, “Why not, it’s what you intended for me!”

  4. JTwig Says:

    Sounds to me like the homeowner gave just as much warning about his intent to fire, as the intruder gave the homeowner of his intent to break into his home. Turn about is fair play.

  5. JKB Says:

    It’s Texas, I believe they post the warning at the state line.

    WARNING: This is Texas, odds are the property owner has a gun on their property and will use it in self defense. You have been warned.

  6. Nakedgun Says:

    I laughed out loud at the responses of the family… Bupkis only went into the house, because HE was the victim of society, right?!

    Have a blessed day. lol

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    He had a clear an unmistakeable warning line.

    His front door. Stay the Hell out of other people’s houses unless they invite you, and you generally won’t get shot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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