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Live free or there

Jay opted for the former. Congrats, Buddy.

3 Responses to “Live free or there”

  1. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    And There Was Much Rejoicing

  2. Jay G. Says:

    Thanks Unc. Already making plans to get together with Dennis at some point… 😉

  3. Jeff from DC Says:

    I will be a West Virginia resident come Jan 1, after spending my whole life in Maryland. As a millionaire ( i.e. someone that makes just over 100k a year), they have taxed any incentive left to stay. Rain taxes, bag taxes, tree taxes, afore mentioned millionare taxes, extra gas taxes to compensate for the misspent current gas taxes…our new gun laws were the final straw for me and the misses( who was ultra liberal before moving to md). As if the idea of not being looked down on for making a moderate amount of wealth isnt appealing enough, the idea of purchasing any gun I want from a gun store without having to worry about banned status is icing on the cake. Enjoy the liberal utopia, peace out.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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