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Well, who couldn’t see that coming?

Vaccine-Denying Pastor’s Flock Smote with Measles

8 Responses to “Well, who couldn’t see that coming?”

  1. Samuel Suggs Says:


  2. Samuel Suggs Says:

    Um, well on the subject of somthing the left considers to be similar to this; whats our defualt response to the whole Somalia is a libertarian paradise thing?

  3. Seerak Says:

    Shouldn’t that be “smitten”?

    Samuel: my default response to them is that making sh!t up about different ideas like that is what you do when you’re afraid they might be right.

    tl;dr for potentially honest interlocutors: citation needed? Learn the material and get back to me.

  4. Chas Says:

    I was just thinking about science vs. religion today. Who do you want building your airplane, priests or engineers?

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    Not defending deniers of medical safety, but what percentage of a pastor’s “flock” would have to be afflicted in order to use the word “smote”? Eleven is likely on the order of a tiny fraction of one percent of the thousands in that congregation.

    I don’t get “smote” from those numbers, people. Not even “bothered”. Doesn’t even rate a good “pshaw”.

  6. settles Says:

    Meh. Serves ’em right.

  7. blounttruth Says:

    3 of the 11 infected had been vaccinated, yet still were infected with measles? Sounds like the anti vaccine folks just made their point, am I missing something?

  8. blounttruth Says:

    Cause one thing is for sure, the medical industry would never put us in harms way for profits.

    And also the many reports of FOIA documents recovered is very confusing for someone NOT in the medical industry…

    So now all vaccines are safe and effective?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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