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The Army needs AK magazines

592,825 of them

8 Responses to “The Army needs AK magazines”

  1. Samuel Suggs Says:

    I can hardly contain my excitement. I mean on one hand it’s their going to the jihadists who will ultimately fight in the middle eastern equivalent of world war one with a delightful religious zealotry element to boot, but as a special bonus I get to listen to the conspiracy nuts cry about how the government is trying to use this buy up as a back door ban *sigh*

  2. chris Says:

    I guess this means that the armed services truly are phasing out the AR-15.

    I’m not selling them my 55 round banana mags.

    Allah ahkbar!

  3. Kristophr Says:

    The current administration wants to drive up the price of them.

    They do not need them.

  4. Samuel Suggs Says:

    Oy you people are exactly what I was talking about *sigh* IT’S FOR THE “Arab spring” OBONE HAS BEEN ARMING AND SUPPORTING, OR THE FUCKIN MILITARY OF IRAQ. Come on Uncle don’t feed the fire just link us to an informative article next time instead of the totally unhelpful requisition here you go

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    It’s to piss off Putin, folks. That is all.

  6. Someone You Know Says:

    Dear Uncle,

    Wahoo, AK magazines might finally come down in price (20 for $100) since the manufacturer will probably produce more magazines than the contract then import the excess into these United States.

    Sncerely, Someone You Know

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    Someone You Know —

    Yeah, but I’m not aware of ANY steel AK mags made by non-former-Communist countries that are worth the value of the seawater it would take to rust them.

    I DON’T CARE if ProMag prices drop to a nickle a mag — cheap trash is still trash.

    OTOH, the idea of equipping the Arab Spring terrorists with ProMag magazines makes the withered black thing I use for a heart jump with cackling glee.

    Almost as good as salting their ammo caches with booby-trapped rounds loaded with a blasting cap and flak TNT. . .

  8. Sigivald Says:

    Picatinny ARDEC is not quite the same as “the Army”, though they’re part of it.

    As Samuel said, this is along the lines of the “billions of rounds of ammo!” kerfuffle. There’s nothing weird or scandalous here.

    I suspect very, very strongly that if it was “to send to Afghanistan”, it wouldn’t have been a bid solicited by ARDEC, since that’s not their job – they’re an R+D center.

    It’ll be for testing and/or training with AK-magazine platforms, be they actual AKs for familiarization purposes, AK-magazine AR testing, or god knows what.

    I also suspect that like most government bids, the number (a very weirdly not-round one!) is likely to be a maximum and/or over-time amount, not a lump delivery – and since ARDEC isn’t a business, they don’t care so much about JIT inventory management, and might well find it cheaper to order 20 years worth of magazines and store them than to re-bid every few years.

    (Remember, the AK isn’t going away! They can count on needing AK mags for something or other for a long time…)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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