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I, terrorist

You know, it’s almost comical who the SPLC labels as terrorists. Pretty much, anyone who is not a democrat is a terrorist.

6 Responses to “I, terrorist”

  1. Samuel Suggs Says:

    “labels has (as a) terrorists.

  2. ProdigalSon Says:

    Working through the links to the actual document, it seems that most of their “extremist traits” could be fairly applied to the gun control crowd. To list a few:
    – Name calling and labeling
    – Irresponsive sweeping generalizations
    – Tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil
    – Use of slogans, buzzwords, and thought-stopping clichés
    – Assumption of moral superiority over others

    Sound familiar?

  3. Geodkyt Says:

    I’m convinced the ONLY reason SPLC called out that DHS official for his race war website was because he is ALSO anti-gay as well as anti-white.

  4. Geodkyt Says:

    One thing they DO get right in the training materials.

    While ALL hate groups are “extremists”, not all extremist groups are hate groups.

    As an example they call out in the materials, the Founding Fathers were extremists.

  5. JKB Says:

    If you have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic, you might be an extremist.

    One can only presume the SPLC and those in the DOD pushing this agenda have neither read the Federalist Papers or the oath sworn by all upon entering military service.

  6. blounttruth Says:

    72 types of Americans who are “considered” to be domestic terrorists.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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