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A powered rail for AR-15s

One battery pack to power accessories:

6 Responses to “A powered rail for AR-15s”

  1. HL Says:


    I like innovation, but is adding 3/4ths a pound to the overall weight of the gun the answer?

    I guess if you can get the weight of your accessories down by that much by redesigning them it makes sense…but aside from your laser, IR pointer, flashlight, and heartbeat/motion unit what else goes up in front?

    I think Ivan C was right when he said “Rifle is fine. You fuck it and make heavy.”

  2. Canthros Says:

    Bigger problem than weight would be that you have tied all your questionably useful accessories back to a single point of failure. Be sure to practice using your irons in the dark.

  3. Alien Says:

    What powered accessories will require a reboot after a battery swap? And, what happens if one pair of the multiple 2-amp rail contacts get shorted? I wonder how long it will be before The Accessory Wizards find new ways to use a larger capacity battery – mini camera, anyone? DVD player? And, what – no USB port?

  4. Geodkyt Says:

    Can’t see YouTubes from here, but NATO has been working on a spec for a powered rail interface for quite a while, on the theory that it is easier to keep one or two batteries up than a bunch of little ones.

    Think about it – in those ubiquitous battery sleeves on most AR stocks these days, imagine if you had batteries on both side, EITHER of which could power all your accessories. And all of which would be interchangeable.

    The logistics of battery supply to troops in the field are much worse than you might think.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Keep it charged from a magneto on the BCG.

  6. Adam Says:

    Tactical! Warfighter! Increased Lethality! Serious looking men in fatigues and operator ninja clothing with stern expressions! Shooting at SOMETHING!

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