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Speaking of the third amendment

Using SWAT teams for codes enforcement? Someone once opined that the militarization of the police is pretty close to the standing army that the founders feared.

4 Responses to “Speaking of the third amendment”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    That was me. At least, I’ve been known to repeat the phrase “The police are the standing army our forefathers warned us about” like a broken record.

    I’ll take credit regardless.

  2. Leatherwing Says:

    If you use a SWAT team for every little police activity, are they really still “special”? Should we just start calling them WAT teams?

  3. Firehand Says:

    Actually, the proper response is “Mr. Mayor, since actual crime is so under control that the police have the time and money to send this team out on code enforcement missions, I propose a 25% cut in the department budget. Because they obviously have more time, people and equipment than they actually need.”

  4. the dude Says:

    Aren’t the police already military? I mean, so many cops join up straight out of the armed forces and they even get the same damn gear. Sounds like the only difference between the two is spelling.

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