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All this crime can’t be happening in Knoxville parks since they banned guns there.

2 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Chas Says:

    There is no more crime, because it can’t happen!
    All cars have license plate numbers on them, so cars cannot be involved in crime, since all cars are prominently numbered, and the numbers are instantly traceable by computer, so no one can use a car to commit a crime!
    Guns cannot be used in crimes because they are all serial numbered, and all the numbers are instantly traceable. Besides, modern ballistics, with the aid of computers, is so sophisticated that it’s impossible for anyone to be shot without a clear evidence trail, especially with semiautos, which leave highly traceable shell casings that can be tied to the murder weapon, so no one ever uses a gun to kill anyone, anymore, ever!
    More recently, nearly everyone has a cell phone, which is the equivalent of the old, police call boxes, so essentially, all citizens can function as police officers.
    That is why crime no longer exists! Government has eliminated it! The idea that 500 people were shot in Chicago last year is a complete fiction! It cannot happen! It’s impossible, as a result of modern, liberal government! Or else!

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Everyone knows that gun bans eliminate crime! It’s just common communist sense to believe that! Or, you know, it’s a trip to the gulag.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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