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Where is the NRA?

Good question. Sadly, if recent trends are an indication, they’re waiting for success first and then will swoop in and take credit.

2 Responses to “Where is the NRA?”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    That SO fits, it needs to be chiseled into stone…

    I have little respect for the NRA of today, and won’t get any more until they admit that they’re part of a team to save/enhance the Second Amendment, and accept the truism that there’s no “I” in Team.

    My take on them is that they will only put their corporate brain into their work for fundraising to fuel their “K” Street lobbying machine, and not for support of vital people/principles which bring in little money.

  2. Captain Holly Says:

    Has it been that long since the last NRA bash?

    I find it ironic that when the NRA does get involved in local initiatives (as these are), they’re accused of “muscling out local groups”. But when they don’t, they’re accused of “abandoning gun owners”. The NRA can’t win, no matter what they do.

    And besides bloggers with a clear animus against the NRA, who’s to say they aren’t already involved? Their local affiliate, the WSRPA, is part of the coalition, and I would bet they are getting whatever support they request from the NRA headquarters behind the scenes.

    Incidentally, looking at the list of organizations the statement “Where is the NRA?” could be equally applied to the GOA. Perhaps the outrage over the failure of the NRA to help and the corresponding lack of outrage over the failure of the GOA to help is a tacit admission that no one expects the GOA to do anything but talk big and bash the NRA.

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