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The TSA at work

The TSA Investigated 9,622 Cases of Employee Misconduct Between 2010-2012

4 Responses to “The TSA at work”

  1. actually Says:

    I took a flight today and TSA inspected my bag. I feel sorry for them, because one half was neat. The other half was just thrown together. I think they actually repacked that half neater that I did originally.

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    The TSA Investigated 9,622 Cases of Employee Misconduct Between 2010-2012, resolved 9,621 of them as “agency policy was followed. Case dismissed.”

    The last one was misconduct since they mistakenly searched a person of a protected religion.

  3. NotClauswitz Says:

    And you can’t fire any of them because they have a Union.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So The Stupid Agency actually caught more of their own people than they caught Terrorists?

    Why doesn’t that surprise me.

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