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Technical difficulties

Sorry about that.

3 Responses to “Technical difficulties”

  1. James Wesley Rawles Says:

    August 2nd is the anniversary of the death of my great-great-great uncle, William B. Weaver. He was a deputy sheriff who was shot and killed in the mining town of Tuscarora, Nevada, in 1880. He is remembered as the first Nevada lawman to be killed in the line of duty.

  2. Samuel Suggs Says:

    OK? thanks for sharing?

  3. Don Says:

    Hey, content…and it reminded me to go read your blog, Rawles. I am grateful for what I have learned there and in your books.

    I wish you well with the technical stuff, Unc, and I am also grateful for the content here, sir. Well done.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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