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Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced to kill Muslims deader

No, really. Bypassing all the silliness about how it’s culturally insensitive, or not actually an accurate assumption on religious views, or that it makes us look stupid, there is something else dumb about this. After you shoot someone, you get to explain to a prosecutor and a jury why, exactly, you had joke ammo in your gun.

9 Responses to “Jihawg Ammo: Pork-laced to kill Muslims deader”

  1. emdfl Says:

    If it works I’d hardly call it a “joke”, heh, heh, heh.

  2. comatus Says:

    You mean “Because fuck you” might not stand up in court?

    Pigfat, beef and mutton tallow all figure in the legend of the Sepoy. Someone should relate a rundown on that.

  3. Teke Says:

    Because its bacon isn’t good enough

  4. Jim Says:

    It’s just not kosher, eh?

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  5. rickn8or Says:

    I’d say make a bacon fat wipedown of your carry boolits a part of your weekly maintenance routine.

    Say nothing. Mr. Prosecutor and The Usual Evildoers won’t know the difference but Mr. Jihadi gets a “fuck YOU!” type surprise.

  6. BGMiller Says:

    Over the last couple of decades I’ve spent getting paid to burn other people’s food I’ve noticed that bacon grease left on aluminum too long tends to etch the metal.

    So rubbing it all over the copper and brass of a carry round and then stuffing it in the bore of your primary defensive arm doesn’t sound all that clever to me.

    Just a thought.


  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Makes about as much sense as Hornady making Over-Priced “Zombie Apocalypse Ammo.”

  8. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Meh, we used to rub bacon on out ammo before deployments…

  9. Rob Crawford Says:

    “Pigfat, beef and mutton tallow all figure in the legend of the Sepoy. Someone should relate a rundown on that.”

    I looked it up. The problem was that they used paper cartridges that had to be torn before loading, and the usual means of tearing (considering rifle in one hand, cartridge in the other) was to bite and pull. Using beef tallow would offend the Hindus; pork tallow the Muslims.

    So it wasn’t a matter of being shot with the offending fat, but being required to stick it in their mouths and bite it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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