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How scary is Rand Paul

So scary, that liberals are scared of his civil liberties record.

His destruction has already begun on liberal websites so I guess he’s a front runner.

13 Responses to “How scary is Rand Paul”

  1. AJ187 Says:

    Principled is the new crazy in politics. Was that way for his dad at least….

  2. Magus Says:

    My dad really doesn’t like Rand Paul. I asked him “Why?” He just doesn’t. He gets his news from the main stream media and local news. The MSM has been trying to destroy Rand since he was elected.

  3. Seerak Says:

    Magus, my mom’s the same way. Knowing someone like that is a good way to get a sense of how things are being steered.

  4. BornLib Says:

    He pisses off all the right people.

  5. Mu Says:

    Not a big fan of Paul, but would be interesting to see if things change for the better in the liberty corner with him. God knows it didn’t work that way with the last change.

  6. Geodkyt Says:

    I like Rand better than Ron Paul. Rand Paul seems to understand that sovereign nations have borders, that occaisionally it may be best to fight the enemy BEYOND those borders, and that the American people are not going to go Cold trukey off the Tax Teat.

  7. tincankilla Says:

    I think he’s interesting, but fatally flawed by his hypocrisy around birth control and abortion. It’s what turns his brand of libertarianism into yet another slight of hand that expands the power of the elite.

    reproductive rights is one of the reasons I tell women that they should own a gun. I also win arguments on gun control by using the infringements against abortion rights as a parallel to infringements against gun rights.

  8. John Smith Says:

    I quit respecting Rand Paul when he said that he is ok with our government killing an American citizen with a drone strike just because they are suspected of robbing a liquor store. NO TRIAL, NO JUDGE, NO JURY, NO JUSTICE… Just kill them with a drone strike.

    That does not sound like someone who believes in liberty.

  9. M Gallo Says:

    tincankilla you align yourself with one of the most evil practices in the history of our species, and justify it to yourself through your fucked-up moral compass.

    The ONLY possible natural rights argument for abortion would be self-defense in the case where it is the mother OR the child. Everything else is asking for a do-over at the expense of another individual’s life. Then again, your inability to see that is the basis of your hypocrisy in the “gun control” analogy.


  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    If Rand decides to go for it in the 2016 Prez Race, I hope he makes it to the Finals.

    After what the Republican Party has sent up in the last few years, if it isn’t Paul, then Barry should just toss the Keys to Air Force One over to Hillary and say “She’s all yours!”

  11. AJ187 Says:

    John, Paul was not talking about a suspected robber, he’s talking about the basis of a technology (like a drone or gun)to stop a dangerous threat.

    “I’ve never argued against any technology being used when you have a IMMENANT THREAT, a ACTIVE CRIME going on. If somebody comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and 50 dollars in cash, I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.”

    It’s not unheard of for cops, or store owners to shoot at fleeing armed robbers commissioning a felony. Especially if there is a chance of them possibly injuring a bystander like the Senator was addressing.

    In the overall context of the interview he’s saying that some use of drone technology in a LEO capacity like in Boston is justified, but warns we must be vigil of 4th amendment violations with this technology that would inhibit a judge, jury, trial and ultimately justice.

  12. chris Says:

    I like Rand a lot.

    He is scary to the other side, because it knows he can potentially win.

    They have gotten spoiled with facing the RINOs like Dole, McCain (has been my least favorite GOP Senator for as long as I can remember) and Romney.

  13. Bryan S. Says:

    You know, that RINO term is interesting, given most of them act like what a RINO used to be.

    Its like being a cannibal on a deserted island. Eventually, the description of odd one out changes.

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