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This just in: felons for gun control

Duane “Dog” Chapman is a gun owner but. The but is he hates bullets and wants gun control.

But it’s OK because he’s a convicted felon and can’t own guns anyway.

5 Responses to “This just in: felons for gun control”

  1. wastme Says:

    If I were a felon bounty hunter who can’t posses a gun, I wouldn’t want anyone else to have one either.

    Dog – that pretty well sums up his show.

  2. Pawnshopguy Says:

    I do not need or appreciate restricted people telling me what they think of my rights. They forfieted theirs by their own choice. How many times do you read something like “we was arguing about why he should gimme his wallet and my gun went off”. It’s about taking responsibility.
    Now enteretain me or shut up Dog

  3. Paul Says:

    I’ve seen his show once, just once, and here was an ex-felon preaching to the crumbs he caught. Geeze man.

    So he want’s guns but no boom? What would be the point?

    Non-lethal? Well for crying out loud I’ll go along with that when the whole world goes that way. Yes every military, police, terrorist, robber, etc… goes non-lethal then I’ll go that way to. But it ain’t gonna happen and we know it.

    Maybe Dog can go back to Mexico and kidnap someone again and Mexico this time keeps him.

  4. SPQR Says:

    Frankly, if I saw “Dog” in my neighborhood, I’d keep a good sight picture on him at all times. And his thug family too.

  5. Beaumont Says:

    I rarely watch anything he’s on, but I think the crooks he catches are better citizens than he is.

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