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But they tell me gun ownership is on the decline

First time buyers bolster the gun business.

3 Responses to “But they tell me gun ownership is on the decline”

  1. GomeznSA Says:

    But but but the ‘brady bunch’ (or whatever they call themselves now) and all the other anti-gun groups ALL claim that it is a small group of repeat gun buyers that account for all of them evil guns that are being purchased. Of course they also ‘believe’ that violent ‘gun crime’ is literally exploding across the country, never mind that the real statistics show a multi-decade decline……………….

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Well, see this story is from Faux “News” – that’s all the information the opposition needs to discount it.

    Now if it turned up in Mother Jones their little pointed heads would explode.

  3. NPB Says:

    Around my office, I have several friends who have really dove off into guns since December. One person, who didn’t own anything, picked up an AR, Mossberg 12 gauge, and a Glock. Another is looking for a rifle for his first gun, while a third wants a revolver for his first.

    I do know folks who were already “gun people” who have picked up more guns, but the main thing that I see are people who have always been interested in guns and shooting feeling like the time is right to become gun owners and have a stake in their rights.

    I feel bad for people suffering a dimunition of their rights in some of the states that are trying out these horrible new gun laws. However, the biggest trend that I see is many new people standing up and exercising a rights that they’ve been aware of, but that are new for them to experience. It’s great.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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