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Open Carry

So, MAIG has this bus tour that no one ever heard of. Some folks open carrying went to a stop and had the cops called on them. And nothing happened. The open carriers were, of course, in the right.

6 Responses to “Open Carry”

  1. Bruce Says:

    They’re in Concord, NH this week, but I can’t make it.

  2. Ohio Shawn Says:


  3. David Liddy Says:

    But they are only against “illegal” guns so why would they have to call the police on “legal” guns and their owners?


  4. joated Says:

    David, I believe they do not know what is legal and what isn’t and that is the point. Fear of the inannimate is a terrible thing.

  5. Gerry Says:

    Well done.

  6. Matt R. Says:

    This is good news.

    Remember the dark days of early spring? It is possible that the tide is turning in favor of the Constitution these days.


    –Matt R.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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