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I like the cut of his wookiee suit

Chewbacca actor has a lightsaber cane. Also, the TSA was not a fan of it.

And, lastly, on the press misspells wookiee.

7 Responses to “I like the cut of his wookiee suit”

  1. John A Says:

    Reminds me of an old story about TSA taking away a WWII veteran’s Medal of Honor because it looked like a ninja throwing star.

    Yeah, it COULD have been wielded as a weapon. Like any other cane, or umbrella. When will they confiscate pencils, that COULD be plunged through an eye into the brain? Or ties, which COULD be removed by/from the wearer and used to strangle someone?

  2. bob smith Says:

    TSA really screwed up on this one. You don’t want to get the Star Wars crowd mad at you. The Force is with them.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    The wookie should have ripped their arms off!


  4. comatus Says:

    John, that was Joe Foss, WWII fighter ace, governor of South Dakota, commissioner of the AFL, and president of the NRA.

  5. Hank Says:

    I thought the purpose of security theater was to pretend that these agents would be able to “protect” us should the need arise? I could stand to lose a few pounds, and I realize that, as a nation, we are growing larger, but I have trouble imagining that the three agents shown could comport themselves with any measure of effectiveness should any actual kerfuffle ensue.

  6. nk Says:

    If I didn’t suspect that those McDonald’s rejects were really looking to steal it because they recognized him and it would be worth a pretty penny on ebay ….

  7. Ryan Anderson Says:

    This is not the terrorist you’re looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.

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