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Dick Heller takes on media

Challenges them to learn what the Hell they’re talking about.

6 Responses to “Dick Heller takes on media”

  1. Shawn Says:

    they won’t though. They are willfully ignorant. they don’t want to know anything about guns let alone even touch them. They despise us with every fiber of there being and if the government decided that gun owner are no longer worthy of life and decide to just drag out out of our homes and kill us en masse they would jump up and down with joy defending the government every step of the way.

    So why even bother to listen to a man you’d want the government to kill (Heller).

  2. Mike V Says:

    And remember, never let facts get in the way of your argument.

  3. IllTemperedCur Says:

    They won’t take up that challenge. They might get Gun Cooties.

  4. Seerak Says:

    If “it’s not about guns, it’s about control”, it’s the media, not Heller, who know what they are talking about.

    Heller assumes a good faith that is much too rare these days.

  5. Jack Says:

    Getting “Gun Cooties” is a legitimate concern for them.

    Consider the number of former antis who are now on our side. (Weerd comes to the top of my mind).

    The number of pro-gun people who started out as antis is not inconsiderate. And many made the conversion in part due to exposure to guns. Learning how guns really work, learning how to safely use them, learning that they can be fun, that they can be empowering, learning how inanae the laws actually are.

    Given that, there are antis who have seen former comrades turned to our side.

    Now add in their already magical thinking about guns and one can see that on some level they are afraid of being “corrupted”.

    And this isn’t even getting into the “I already know everything I need to know” arrogance.

  6. Ron W Says:


    Right the anti-gunners love the hired guns who they want to forcibly disarm the people and kill them if they resist. But those same hired guns will come for their other “civil rights” and them later.

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