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The advantages of gun nuttery and tacticool

My daughter is heading to camp next week. She’ll have the coolest flashlight there.

13 Responses to “The advantages of gun nuttery and tacticool”

  1. Siergen Says:

    What, no picture of the “coolest” flashlight?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Well, I’ve not picked one yet. But it will be cool.

  3. Motor-T Says:

    Or at least the brightest.

  4. Jerry Says:

    Just sayin’, Dollar Tree has flip-flops. Baby girls need flip-flops.

  5. mikee Says:

    Make sure she also has a firm grounding on the concept of not sharing the tacticool flashlight or you may never see it again. Also, make sure you won’t miss it if some other camper decides it is too cool not to own.

  6. Mu Says:

    The only flashlight with attached AR-15 (in 22lr, it’s camp after all).

  7. SteveA Says:

    Can we recommend the Tiny Monster
    It’s a little bigger than a drink can & puts out 3,500 lumen.
    Yeah, you can use it as an emergency lighthouse when needed 🙂

  8. Reno Sepulveda Says:

    And really, isn’t that what it’s all about? Good dads are America’s greatest strategic resource.

  9. breda Says:

    Is the Dad version of “cool” the same as a little girl’s?

  10. Tirno Says:

    Breda, in my experience, the little girl’s version of cool is the same as the dad’s version of cool, just colored pink.

    LEGOs: cool
    AR-15: Pink, cool
    Doctor Who: cool
    Swords: with pink handle wrapping, cool
    Flashlight visible at 4 parsecs: cool

    I have about four years before everything I think is cool is not cool Because Dad, That’s Why. But that’s not a little girl any more.

  11. Roadkill Says:

    Breda: there are several nice flashlights in bright colors that girls tend to prefer over black or olive drab.

  12. Frank Says:

    Can we recommend the Tiny Monster
    For nearly 400 bucks, I better be able to weld with it…

  13. David Says:

    When my baby girl went away to college, she called me the second day there and told me that she was declared the coolest girl on her floor in the dorm – once the guys all discovered that she had two different LED flashlights, one blue (carried), one green(stayed in her room), and a tool box full of tools, and parts (screws, nails, wire, ties, etc). And that she knew how to use most of, and was willing to share.

    Then two days later her title was changed to scary cool girl when they discovered that she also had 4 different kids of pepper spray dispensers and a taser, and that she had been allowed to practice shooting each of them. Also when her neighbor had to open a box and reached for a pair of scissors – baby girl whipped out her pink spyderco and popped the tape loose.

    Two weeks later, they changed her title to scariest cool girl in the dorm when she was visiting a new friend who lived just off campus. The friend’s little brothers were out back shooting airsoft pistols. She picked up one of the pistols and outshot everyone in the backyard. That is when she fessed up that she had been shooting since she was nine.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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