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In honor of the passing of Frank Lautenberg, true enemy to freedom, I shall name my next gun Frankie.

9 Responses to “Frankie”

  1. Cliff Says:

    Is it going to be a Frankengun?

  2. TS Says:

    Hell is getting pitchfork control.

  3. bob smith Says:

    Why not name the gun after a defender of freedom because that is what it does? I am reminded of other guns that were called “the equalizer,” and the “the peacemaker.”

  4. Metulj Says:

    Lautenberg dies, goes to hell, and you can now shoot non-compliant escorts (after dark) in Texas.


  5. Huck Says:

    Lautenberg is now a good democrap.

  6. NotClauswitz Says:

    Get it dipped in chrome and call it Frankie goes to Hollywood !

  7. Beaumont Says:

    Better yet, name your target stand “Frankie”. But wait, that would be insensitive, wouldn’t it?

  8. MrSatyre Says:

    I never even heard of this Lautenberg fella before his name hit the news. What’s he supposed to have done that was so bad?

  9. Mark Says:

    He was a consistent hoplophobe, never introducing or voting a gun grabbing bill he didn’t like. He also has an amendment named after him, look it up.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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