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And their vote counts just as much as yours

6 Responses to “And their vote counts just as much as yours”

  1. Greg in Allston Says:

    If there was any little glimmer of hope or doubt before, this dispels that. Yep, we’re doomed. Bummer.

  2. milquetoast Says:

    Lots of people act goofy because they’re on camera and being on camera many people, I think, naturally feel pressured to say something/anything.

    I liked the response to who’s your favorite justice and she says “ummm, that one guy who’s really old”

    “Judge Reinhold?”

    “Yeah. Him.”

  3. Wakeewakee Says:

    My favorite SCOTUS member is Justice Roberts. He kicked the USA in the nuts, which just might wake us up.

  4. Lyle Says:

    We’ve seen a lot of this kind of shtick. I wonder if anyone called their bluff, and if they’d air that if it happened, or if they just cherry pick the stupidest responses to make Americans look like morons. Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. countertop Says:


    I hope your joking.

    They interview dozens and pick the funniest responses. It’s entertainment.

  6. mariner Says:

    Not much cherry-picking required; it’s not at all hard to find morons in America.

    That’s how we got the President we have.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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