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Chicks and guns

Some Israeli soldiers took some racy photos of themselves. Some, with their service weapons. This is apparently big news!!!!

13 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. John Richardson Says:

    I was about to say this story was worthless without pictures until I saw the NY Post story.

    I guess the IDF doesn’t have regulation undies.

  2. nk Says:

    Thank you.

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    Gotta love a healthy young woman fighting for her country in her undies!

  4. Adam Says:

    It’s news because sex sells.

  5. Critter Says:

    is that so wrong?

  6. Cargosquid Says:


    The Israelis are “acting stupidly.”

    These girls and pics should be used as a re-enlistment incentive!

    “Look what you’re missing if you don’t re-up!”

  7. wastme Says:

    The US better take note because they way they treat vets now, that will be the only way they get young males to enlist.

  8. Jeff from DC Says:

    Of course its big news…what else is there to report right now? Thats racist, racist.

  9. Gerry Says:

    Does this rifle make my butt look big?

  10. Stretch Says:

    Have ordered Hebrew language tapes.
    What’s the max age for enlistment in the Israeli Army?

  11. mariner Says:

    The real problem with this is that some man, somewhere might enjoy looking at those pictures.

  12. Geodkyt Says:

    OH NOES! Privates doing stupid crap and posting it online! The horror!

  13. chris Says:

    Chicks with guns has always been my favorite genre.

    Allah ahkbar!

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