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Memorial Day

Have a safe one and, in between BBQ and beer, remember what it’s about.

6 Responses to “Memorial Day”

  1. Bill Chunko Says:

    Thanks. You too.

  2. Dan Says:

    Hooah, and amen.

  3. Old NFO Says:


  4. chris Says:

    I attended the Coca Cola 600 in Charlotte and Oliver North gave an eloquent narration of the sacrifice of our veterans on our behalf and our debt of gratitude.

    When I got home yesterday, I was watching an NRA show (from its National Firearms Museum) and he was on in speaking about the importance of the Second Amendment and of firearms and their importance in our culture.

    The NRA show was a Memorial Day special and not just any show that was in the can at the time.

    He then referred to the Civil War as the War of Northern Agression.

    And when they handled Teddy Roosevelt’s gun that he had on San Juan Hill, it was almost more than I could handle.

  5. Bob Smith Says:

    Memorial day started out to commemorate the Confederate war dead. Then it was to commemorate all dead and was called decoration day and people went out to the graves to clean them up. Then it became Memorial Day to commemorate all war dead, celebrated on a Monday, and became a Federal holiday. I don’t think people remember or commemorate the Confederate war dead anymore.

  6. TigerStripe Says:

    He then referred to the Civil War as the War of Northern Agression.

    I watched it as well. He first referred to it as the War Between the States. He then said that in Virginia it was referred to as the Recent War of Northern Aggression. TS

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