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Apple Hearings: Show Trial

Tax avoidance is perfectly legal. I do it all the time. You should too. Unless you’re stupid. Any CFO should too.

Tax evasion is illegal. The senate dragged Apple bigwigs for a show trial and accused them of not paying their fair share or some other hippie tree-hugging nonsense that belongs on playgrounds or liberal get togethers but not in the real world.

Rand Paul is embarrassed and offended by his colleagues who are bullying Apple. Apple broke no laws and the senate tried to shame them for not paying more taxes voluntarily, I guess:

And, though I cannot find the video for it, Carl Levin beclowns himself in response (here’s a sort of summary). Seems he, and every politician at the hearing who is not Rand Paul, thinks that it’s the government’s money and, damn you Apple, how dare you not let them have what is theirs. And he will not apologize for his stupid assertion that somehow complying with tax law means Apple is doing something wrong.

Apple has lots of cash. He wants it to dole out as he chooses.

Carl Levin should be tarred and feathered.

Also, McCain acts stupid, drools on self, poops a little.

11 Responses to “Apple Hearings: Show Trial”

  1. CaptainVictory Says:

    Time for McCain to hang it up. Somewhere along the line, he started serving his own ego. I first figured this out when he wanted to outlaw the UFC. Asswipe.

  2. USCitizen Says:

    Wow; Long post. With words + video, even!

  3. Old NFO Says:

    Great post, and indicative of the dems mentality… it’s THEIR money we’re stealing…

  4. DocMerlin Says:

    “Carl Levin should be tarred and feathered.”
    tarring and feathering is too nice for these.

  5. ern Says:

    Rand Paul is right, of course. Democrats can’t admit this, because the entire foundation of statism depends on a communitarian vision of wealth that, frankly, most people don’t believe in. At least, it’s a vision that only poor people believe in. Which is why Obama seems so focused on creating lots and lots of poor people. Of course, if we’re all poor, there’s no wealth to steal.

    Not that it’s going to stop them from doing it anyway. :/

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Isn’t it Funny that the LibDemCommunists are now going after their own?
    It’s not as if Apple EVER backed the Republicans or Conservatives or the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy in their Political Endeavors.

    Personally, I’m enjoying the Schadenfreude.

  7. Rob Crawford Says:

    “Great post, and indicative of the dems mentality… it’s THEIR money we’re stealing…”

    Listen to their rhetoric when tax cuts are discussed. They talk about whether government can “afford” them. Apparently all of your earnings belong to the government, and what you take home is a government expense.

  8. Sigivald Says:

    Tax avoidance is not only legal, but it’s the fiduciary duty of any CFO to do it.

    (Do these idiots not realize that all those pension funds for their precious Public Employees – not to mention everyone else’s either pension fund or 401(k) or whatnot – are invested in farkin’ stocks?

    Maybe they don’t. And I blame decades of mindless “anti-corporate” indoctrination and rhetoric.

    [Not that a “corporation” is automatically right or good – but equally they’re not wrong and bad, axiomatically.]

    Fools. None of them seems to know anything about how wealth is actually created.)

  9. Lyle Says:

    As long as we all know who’s in charge, that’s the main thing.

    “…McCain acts stupid, drools on self, poops a little.” And?

  10. MrSatyre Says:

    Some of the comments here on this thread are pretty scary:

  11. Ron W Says:

    The IRS tax code is so immensely complex that ANYONE WHO MUST FILE could probably be prosecuted by government agents wanting to find a “legal” reason:

    “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” – Roman Historian, Cornelius Tacitus, Annals III 27

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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