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Public education

So, some people burst into a school in ninja gear and guns and started shooting at people. It was only a drill.

10 Responses to “Public education”

  1. Mike V Says:

    Whoever thought that was a good idea needs serious professional help. OTOH, it could help them realize that the only way to stop bad guys with guns is good guys with guns.

  2. Duane Says:

    And what happens to me when they do that, and my reaction is to take down the shooter in a permanent manner?

  3. MichigammeDave Says:

    I thought the same thing. What happens if there’s someone like me in the room who really doesn’t care that I’m not supposed to have a piece in my pocket? They must REALLY trust the folks in that school to be passive!

  4. Stuart the Viking Says:

    I agree with Duane. What if someone there didn’t clue into the idea that it was all fake until after using an ink stick to give one of the shooters an impromptu Tracheotomy?


  5. Divemedic Says:

    Also pointing out that this is illegal: aggravated battery, terroristic threats, and a dozen other laws. There is also the intentional infliction of emotional distress. Seriously: when are people going to put a stop to this?

  6. Laughingdog Says:

    Do the teachers get to sue for damages because of the permanent hearing loss from being in a confined space with those blanks going off?

  7. JKB Says:

    So the school organized employees to assault other employees. The story says they shot and would have killed all but two of the teachers. Teachers i assume were not wearing eye or face protection even if somehow you can justify physically battering another person.

    Putting aside those who might be carrying a firearm, after recent events, one should be conditioning yourself to attack. Just like passengers on an aircraft after 9/11. You are in the room, you are probably going to die. Rush the attacker with intent to use deadly force. If you get shot, keep going. Odds are against the first shot being debilitating. You can disrupt allowing other to escape, delay allowing police to arrive or you might get lucky and kill the bastard. If you are going to take a bullet, take it in the front while moving forward.

    Little tidbit, more casualties are taken when soldiers retreat than when they stand their ground or move toward the enemy. Attackers more readily shoot those moving away since they are not concerned with protecting their own skin. True, the well trained and experienced may not suffer this weakness but then how many of the shooters are well trained or experienced. Mostly, they don’t respond effectively to violence directed at themselves.

  8. rickn8or Says:

    I’m inclined to think there are a lot of the “victims” who now think that being unarmed in an Active Shooter scenario is a pretty stupid policy.

  9. JasonES Says:

    In Oregon, where this lunacy took place, it is legal to carry in a school if you have a CCW permit. (A law they are trying to end by making legal concealed carry illegal in schools. – They must want to enable a Newtown style shooting here.)

    Restating what others have already mentioned, the “assault team” members are very lucky they did not leave that meeting in body bags.

  10. Firehand Says:

    Ref the tracheotomy, or someone thinking “I’m about to die so…” charges with a desk and fractures a skull?

    There’s so many ways for this to go pear-shaped and wind up with either a body or two or various levels of damage- including the hearing loss mentioned above- that the mind boggles.

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