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In Illinois

A two-tiered system for concealed carry. They already have one: one for connected politicians and none for anyone else. But this one carves out different rules for Chicago.

14 Responses to “In Illinois”

  1. Shootin Buddy Says:

    Chicago STILL does not understand. On June 10, 2013 Illinois becomes Wyoming. Chicago has absolutely ZERO leverage and input on this.

  2. Divemedic Says:

    All pro gun forces have to do is stand firm and keep these bills from passing.

  3. Crawler Says:

    I once told an old classmate of mine living in Illinois – who really despised the corrupt Chicago politicians running the state – that it appeared the best solution for him and his fellow Illinoisans to restore their inherent constitutional rights would be to dig a deep moat around Chicago and rename it “Chicago, Lake Michigan”

    He replied he really liked the idea and the new name had a really good ring to it.

    As an aside, I’m sure there are a lot of good folks in Illinois who have a “box” that state Senator Kwame Raoul, can “check”…

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    45 Days and a Wake-Up until Freedom returns to Illinois or (more likely) the Court Case drags on to the Supremes.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    BTW, how about a “Two-Tiered System” for Blacks vs. Whites, Men vs. Women, Straight vs. Gay, etc. That sure will pass the Constitution, eh?

  6. Geodkyt Says:

    Pro-freedom legislators need to hold firm — however, as a tactical matter, if they can push through a CLEAN “shall issue” law without carve outs for Mordor on Lake Michigan, they should take it.

    Come June, if Illinois goes from Police State to Constitutional Carry in one fell swoop, the antis WILL likely be able to ram through a California-style “May Issue” system that allows Chicago to effectively disarm anyone except Democratic politicians and major supporters.

    Risking that in order to cry, “Banco!” on Constitutional Carry is a bad idea.

    Of course, the antis could probably be defeated by a clean Shall Issue system proposed at the last minute as a “reasonable alternative”. . .

    Use the antis techniques against them, without using their lies. One camel nose at a time.

  7. mike w. Says:

    It’s almost like Chicago has an Alan Gura fetish….

  8. settles Says:

    As a downstater, I have less of a problem than I used to with allowing chicago to make it’s own rules. I don’t go to Chicago. Ever. I will drive an hour out of my way in order to avoid it.

    The way I see it, those a**holes in Crook County and Chicago voted for these ant-guns people let them live with it. Leave us out of it.

    I know this can’t work because every town you drive through on the interstate will have some BS “gotcha” local ordinance regarding guns.

    God, do I hate Chicago.

  9. Matthew Carberry Says:


    Worst case they push through a two-tier shall issue. The good one that has already passed with a solid majority twice but without the super-majority to override Chicago home rule.

    May-issue isn’t a real threat based on the numbers.

  10. chiefjaybob Says:

    One state, one law. I go to Chicago only very rarely and hate the rare times I must go. But there are a lot of good people trapped there who deserve the same rights as the rest of us. It’s not their fault they are outnumbered by criminals, cheats, and political hacks. I used to feel a carve-out was a good compromise, but Otis McDonald helped get us where we are now, and I don’t want to abandon him this close to the finish line. No bad carry laws.

  11. Patrick Says:

    Illinois won’t become a Constitutional Carry state. There are more than 200 municipalities operating under home-rule exemption, and they can each pass any laws they want on manner of carry.

    Without a state law that supersedes the locals, then each and every one of them can come up with their own permit to carry in their own municipality. And then they can fail to reciprocate with permits from anywhere else, including the town next door. Understand that “Constitutional Carry” states have explicit laws that enable the carry and then prevent localities from further restriction. That won’t exist in Illinois. Every town and municipality can become their own authority.

    A strong state law is needed to prevent the games from putting people at risk of criminal prosecution.

    This is being openly discussed by prohibitionists in Illinois as the “better” option right now, because they cannot pass a NY-style may-issue system. You can bet there will be a lineup of new laws within days of the deadline. It will be a mess, and that is their goal.

    Anyone here from IL who is not pushing for strong state law, because you think you will become Arizona overnight is mistaken. Respectfully, you need to get your ass in gear and push like you haven’t pushed before. Don’t fall into this trap.

  12. Kristophr Says:

    Illinois is going to get a standard must-issue CCW law.

    If the retards in Chicago keep foot dragging and demanding special privileges, the downstate folks will simply do nothing, and let the current laws become completely invalid per federal court order.

    So the folks in Mordor can have either must-issue, or they can learn to live with Wyoming Carry ( snicker ).

  13. Patrick Says:

    Following up: forget permits. Assume no permit required.

    The Time/Place/Manner regulations that any municipality can create will result in a mine-field of prosecutions. Drive within 500 feet of a school in Smithburg? Go To Jail. Do it within 734 feet in Jonesburg? Same thing. Or maybe it’s illegal to carry in public when a parade is within 1000 feet (MD has a law like that).

    The absence of strong state regulation here will be a vacuum rapidly filled 100+ different ways. That is not what we want.

  14. Ellen Says:

    *Sigh* I wish I weren’t stuck driving through Illinois a couple times a year. It’s bad enough having to go south of Lake Michigan. Going south of Illinois would be double jeopardy.

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