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NSSF on the gun bill

Tell Your Senators to Vote NO on Manchin-Toomey Amendment

23 Responses to “NSSF on the gun bill”

  1. Chas Says:

    Tell Your Senators to Vote FUCK NO on Manchin-Toomey Amendment.

  2. LKP Says:

    I told both Corker and Alexander that if anything passes I will hold them responsible and turn out to defeat them when they run for re-election.

  3. Mike Says:

    Alan Gottlieb said it was a good bill on Tom Gresham’s show yesterday.

  4. Mike Says:


  5. Skip Says:

    Yeah right. Mine’s DiFi and Botox.

  6. TigerStripe Says:

    Mine have been told that if they vote yes on this I’d vote for a Democrat because at least the Dems tell you they are going to vote for gun control. TS

  7. Thomas F Says:

    I got DICK Durban and Mark Kirk…. Fuck Me Right!!!!!

  8. chiefjaybob Says:

    Thomas and I share the same agony. I wrote them both; Durbin replied with a letter patting himself on the back for all the great gun control he’s accomplished (did you a$$holes even bother to *READ* my letter?); Kirk made no reply. Kirk should just switch parties already, he votes straight (D).

  9. Bryan S. Says:

    Ive got Toomey and Casey. Ones anti- you-and-me-owning-a-gun and NRA rated B+ (Casey) and the other slapped his name on it.

  10. Thomas F Says:

    Well I got the Fuck Me trifecta, we just put Bloomberg hack Robin Kelly into out lovely 2nd congressional district….

  11. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Both Alaska’s Sen’s offices (Dem and mod-ish Repub) told me they are no votes.

  12. Ohio shawn Says:

    I’ve sent so many notes to my elected officials (including today) I’m sure I’m on a list somewhere.

  13. Kristophr Says:

    Right now the Dems are two votes short … two Dems are backpedaling on this.

    If we can convince our Republican shit-weasels that this will cost them their jobs, we can kill this fucker.

  14. Kristophr Says:

    Ohio Shawn: Tell him that if he votes for this, you will run for a Precinct Committee post, and dedicate your career to him losing the nomination.

  15. SamW Says:

    How does nick “SOCKET” sound for Senator TOOMEY ? I am stuck with Chambliss and Issackson. They ought to know where I stand by now,by G-D.

  16. rickn8or Says:

    Don’t know what Gottlieb’s plan is either, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have 5-6 years to get Schumer-Manchin-Toomey slapped down in the courts.

  17. Paul Says:

    What we need in the House is a Texas committee on guns. All bills with anything mentioning guns or ammo should have to go through this committee. Do that and it will NEVER get out of that committee!

  18. Kdawg Says:

    Not going to waste my time with Chucky Scummer and his lapdog Kirsten Gillibrand.

    I did write my house rep, Richard Hanna, and it sounded like he would vote against it if it gets that far, for what that’s worth.

  19. Bryan S. Says:

    Paul, dont be so sure. Open carry is illegal there. Perhaps Kansas may be a better place.

  20. Kristophr Says:

    Byran S:

    The problem Texas has with open carry is it’s CCW trainer mafia. They buy state congressmen.

    The only way to fix this is to drive them out of the state by offering free CCW training.

  21. TigerStripe Says:

    As a Texan I hate to say that Kansas is a better place for gun owners right now.

    @Kristophr – Are you from/in Texas? The Texas CHL/CCW instructors were

  22. TigerStripe Says:

    were a$$hats but more are coming around to support OC. I think they realize that most of their “customers” would still take their classes even if OC were legal.

    Unc – Sorry for the hijack.


  23. SmithGirl Says:

    try living in CT … Tricky Dick and Smurphy … ugh … waste of space, those two

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