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The ATF at work

ATF agents running an undercover storefront in Milwaukee used a brain-damaged man with a low IQ to set up gun and drug deals, paying him in cigarettes, merchandise and money, according to federal documents obtained by the Journal Sentinel.

Why is it that all of ATF’s Operation whatevers result in putting more guns in the hands of criminals?

6 Responses to “The ATF at work”

  1. Mike Says:

    They also seem like each of them are set up by retards.

  2. Frank Says:

    It appears they employed someone of similar intellect to themselves.
    What should we expect from F-Troop?

  3. Huck Says:

    “Why is it that all of ATF’s Operation whatevers result in putting more guns in the hands of criminals?”

    They’re helping out their fellow crims, just like MAIG.

  4. wasntme Says:

    Good to see obama’s stimulus plan at work.

  5. Robert Garrard Says:

    “ATF agents running an undercover storefront in Milwaukee used a brain-damaged man with a low IQ to set up gun and drug deals…”

    Who was he, the regional ATF supervisor?

  6. deadcenter Says:

    The IRS lost money running a whore house. Why does anyone think the government can even wipe it’s ass in an efficient manner?

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