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Like news, only not

Burglars targeting homes with vehicles displaying “gun stickers”. Except that, you know, one burglar did it that one time. At band camp.

One Response to “Like news, only not”

  1. Anon Says:

    Not unrelated, it’s handy to have a DVD of hi-res digital photos of guns locked away someplace that also has a spreadsheet with model and serial numbers, purchase date, price and from whom. If you want to go full anal, scan in the sales receipt as well. Put your (legibly photographed) driver’s license in the photo as proof of ownership and possession. For stuff like rifles, a second, close up shot of the serial number with the DL next to it works. Years back, a friend recovered a stolen gun because he had a good photo and a 3X5 card with the model and serial number in the photo. He faxed it to every pawn shop he could find in the area (fax servers are wonderful) and it paid off.

    FYI, “locked away someplace” does not mean “in the safe with the guns.” Get a safe deposit box.

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