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But that’s hard and gun control is easy

Gun control what you do instead of something:

Congress should follow Virginia’s lead. The federal government needs to investigate each of the mass shootings that have happened in Newtown, Conn., Tucson, Ariz., Aurora, Colo. and at Virginia Tech. What’s needed is a thoughtful analysis that goes beyond the obvious — that each gunman had a mental disorder and that each used weapons capable of multiple shots. If we can’t answer basic questions about each of these shootings, we can’t draft laws that will fix the problems.

One Response to “But that’s hard and gun control is easy”

  1. Huck Says:

    “If we can’t answer basic questions about each of these shootings, we can’t draft laws that will fix the problems.”

    New laws generally dont solve probelms, they just create MORE problems for honest people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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