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The densely populated area exception to the second amendment

Rudy Giuliani was on this kick before. Now, Dr. Ben Carson doles out that trope.

5 Responses to “The densely populated area exception to the second amendment”

  1. MJM Says:

    My “evils of the big city” small town indoctrination and prejudices are proven true. Get the hell out of those massive urban zombie zones. Live free.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So I guess NYPD should just carry Billy Clubs instead of Opening Fire in Mid-Town Manhattan, huh?

  3. Mike Says:

    Aaaaaaannnnd the Latest, Greatest Conservative Hope(TM) goes down in flames…

    Christie went Obamabot…

    McDonnell raised taxes through the roof to please the Transportation Gods…

    Rand voted for Hagel…

    Rubio is hell-bent on pushing Amnesty…

    Cruz is still lookin’ good, but after the MSM is through with him, he’ll be on par with Palin.


  4. Chris from AK Says:

    I seem to recall that the Democrats pushed for a regional exemption to the 13th and 14th Amendments for some time as well.

    One would that Dr. Benjamin Carson would be familiar with the likes of Bull Connor & Gov Ross Barnett.

  5. SJ Says:

    Somewhere in Dr. Carson’s history is a moment when he attempted to stab a friend with a knife.

    The argument was over something stupid, and Dr. Carson claimed he had a real come-to-Jesus moment when the knife hit his friend’s belt buckle.

    Thus, he should know that guns are not the only way to violently harm others.

    Not to excuse his ignorance, but to explain it: Dr. Carson’s opinions about firearms law may be jaundiced by his background and current employment.

    He Grew up in Detroit in the 50s and 60s. Later, he lived in Maryland and worked in Johns Hopkins. Firearms law in Michigan at that time didn’t include concealed carry during the 60s. It did (and still does) include Police-permission-to-purchase-a-pistol requirement. Maryland’s firearms laws are much worse. The odds of running into a liberty-minded gun owner while working at an academic hospital in Maryland are low.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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