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Good question

Why is it the only ads featuring Obamacare are ads by Republicans?

One Response to “Good question”

  1. Mike Says:

    ‘Cause the Dems don’t care, and the GOP are using O-Care for “Bubba bait”. The Dems know O-Care is not getting repealed, anymore than TSA is getting disbanded. Ain’t gonna happen.

    Watch — as soon as the GOP is in, they’re gonna start weaseling their way out of repealing the “biggest outrage since the Civil War, by God!” Only way O-Care is getting repealed is if Rand Paul tucks an amendment in somewhere saying that all government employees (including Congress and the Executive) will be subject to the provisions of the ACA. Hilarity will then ensue as your representatives scramble to avoid having to rub shoulders with the hoi-polloi at the local free clinic.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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