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Violent crime is up, women and children hardest hit

For the first time in 20 years, there’s an 18% jump. A huge increase in simple assaults accounts for most of it.

3 Responses to “Violent crime is up, women and children hardest hit”

  1. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for the link.

  2. Ted N Says:

    Man, it’d be great if there was a tool that’d level the playing field, easy to train, maintain and carry. Heck if I know what it is though. 😀

  3. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Still points up the danger of claiming magical things from expanded possession and concealed carry. It’s far too easy for the anti’s to run with this kind of story, leaving us the role of denial and explanation in depth. Which a lot of non-critical thinkers ignore or view suspiciously.

    Better to stick to low-wattage claims based on possession and carry being fundamental rights. Start with the fact that in our system, in order to infringe a right the burden is (should be) on the infringer to demonstrate that free exercise makes things clearly worse, not on the exerciser to show free exercise makes things better overall.

    So we shouldn’t overbroadly claim “more guns = less crime” because that palpably isn’t true (as these numbers show). What we can point to, still irrefutably and not requiring recourse to details and charts, is that “more guns in lawful hands /= more gun-involved crimes.”

    Keep the argumen simple and precise an don’t hand the anti’s a wedge to use on the credulous (whose votes we need).

    Anyway, as Tam has pointed out, it doesn’t matter if crime skyrockets, my right to my free exercise is not (should not be) based on utilitarian considerations and statistics.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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