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Just post-debate thoughts

Not sure which candidate won with the public vote but it seemed Romney won the rhetorical battle. Obama seemed mostly insulting and annoyed, though they both had some intense moments. But I do know who lost. The media. The moderator was awful and made a few serious flubs. The number of interruptions of Mitt were more than those of Obama, who also got to speak more. And the press is saying Obama is back. I don’t know that he was gone. But I guess they have to say stuff like that for ratings.

6 Responses to “Just post-debate thoughts”

  1. Grayson Says:

    The media ‘lost’?

    And how is this a bad thing, exactly? 😉

  2. RAH Says:

    Candy interrupted Romney 48 times compared 9 times for Obama.
    Worse Romney was talking about Fast and Furious when she stopped him by saying he was off topic.

  3. blounttruth Says:

    Unfortunately it is the people that have lost, and no matter the victor of the election, Goldman Sachs will be a clear winner. The only good that will come from this election is the sheep that still think that Washington has an ounce of interest in them and their desires will be shit on and spat out, but I seriously doubt that will wake them up, what I think will awaken the sheep is when their savings (if anyone has any anymore) is depleted, as not even a loss of sovereignty will awaken the zombie masses, because that is occurring as we speak and not a peep from the masses.

    We are in a poor state of affairs, and the partisans are to blame. With the advent of the internet and the information readily available, one could surmise that Americans today are the most ignorant in World history and cognitive dissonance is truly the greatest enemy of a free society.

  4. HL Says:

    Come on, when the college student asked Obama if he will have a jerb when he graduates and Obama talked about bringing the manufacturing jobs back…that was priceless! Clearly, the kid was in school at Hofstra to work on an assembly line.

    When asked about an AWB, I was fully expecting Obama to talk about midnight basketball.

  5. comatus Says:

    Curiously, there appears to be some statistical correlation between assault weapons and midnight basketball.

  6. HL Says:

    Curiously, there appears to be some statistical correlation between assault weapons and midnight basketball.

    I am sure it helps a bit. It’s essentially protection money…jut paying a tribute to keep the local insurgents hushed.

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