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Creating terrorists to save us from

The feds, again

5 Responses to “Creating terrorists to save us from”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Fortunately only the Incredibly stupid fall for this trick where their loss to the gene pool is not a big deal. The First person to advocate blowing something up is Invariably the Undercover FBI agent…

  2. Ian Argent Says:

    Guilty of felony stupidity, at the very least. Not enough info to say whether, absent the FBI, he would have blown himself up trying to make tannerite or ANFO.

    (Not that I’m thrilled by the selling him the rope for his hangin’ party, mind – he may have been a blow-hard prior to the Friendly Bombers/Informants helping him into a courtroom).

  3. Critter Says:

    Then again, he might be the real thing.

  4. Ellen Says:

    When you’re fishing, chumming is often considered legitimate. In hunting, baiting is much less so. I’m ambivalent here.

  5. Critter Says:

    a little more from the NY Post. seems he was already “on the jihad train” before he got here, and he only got here in January. quick work all around.

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