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Tango Down Flip Grip

I was unaware I needed a different angled grip for CQB as a opposed to regular battle. And that I’d have time to flip the grip if it ever came up. Of course, I’m not a soldier and have been in battle exactly never.

20 Responses to “Tango Down Flip Grip”

  1. Dan Says:

    The last thing I need is a grip that can go all Linda Blair on me.

  2. Mu Says:

    I think this is for people who keep it in CQB configuration all the time, and only if they have to take an aimed shot at distance swap to the regular configuration. Kinda like having a 1-4 zoom scope, you keep it at 1x for the fast target acquisition, and only if you need a well aimed shot you dial up the magnification.

  3. HL Says:

    It makes sense.

    I suspect when you are in a CQB environment where you are holding the rifle square to your shoulders and have your strong side elbow pulled in to your lower ribs, shouldering the gun makes you really bend your wrist to hold on to the grip. Making it straight up and down allows you to have your wrist in a more comfortable position.

    I wonder if there is a storage compartment in it for me to put my small whiskey flask, though.

  4. Hartley Says:

    How else are ya gonna sell a $79 AR grip when a perfectly good one is less than $10?

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    Hartley++. In the olden days, soldiers adapted to their rifle, not the other way around. When I played high-school soccer (goalkeeper), there were no sticky-gloves for keepers, either. Same-o batting gloves for baseball…more equipment = more $$$ for equipment makers.

  6. Nolan Says:

    I saw this advertized before… The advertizement said that it was for when you’re stationed on guard duty. One grip made it comfortable for the gun to be held in hand while slung, and then the other side was a more standard style. That way your wrist wasn’t fatigued while standing around doing nothing. I don’t think they would have sold as many if they stuck with that original line.

  7. Cameron Says:

    I would use this for comp shooting, but I doubt anybody would deploy with this contraption.

  8. NotClauswitz Says:

    I had enough trouble learning to properly shoot the AR when I was savagely twisting the grip. With that thing I would have missed the barn-side.

  9. TomcatTCH Says:

    this sort of grip has a long history in paintball.
    Paintball IS CQB only. The holds are very compact and tight. And the regular angled pistol grips really suck after a while.

  10. johnnyreb™ Says:

    That couldn’t possibly confuse Carolyn McCarthy

  11. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    “If that’s you, then stop reading right here”. I did as instructed. Some things aren’t anymore, but my wrists are still pretty flexible. I don’t see the value of shaving a few degrees off my grip, especially when it takes my attention away from the situation.

  12. HL Says:

    I am a little surpised regarding the hate this thing is getting. Glock grip…1911 grip? Why not both?

  13. Bobby Says:

    I have pretty long arms. When firing an AR with a stock fully retracted, Say, for manuvering around walls etc, The raked pistol grip and the angle it produces along with the short LOP will make my wrist start hurting almost immediately. Due to this, I have been looking at the less angled grips.

    Would I buy a twisty turny version of it? Neh…

  14. cuthach Says:

    “This is a specialized piece of kit and will have a lot of people wondering if this is just some gimmick. If that’s you, then stop reading right here.”

    L33t 0p0rayt0r gimmick. Stopped reading.

  15. TomcatTCH Says:

    herpa derpa.
    Yall are bitchy.

    “back in my day, we had two sticks and a rock, and we had to share the rock.”

  16. Rustmeister Says:

    Johnnyreb for the win!

  17. Chas Says:

    In combat, you’re likely to not remember to do little things like flip the grip around. So, you’ll go through it without flipping the grip, and if you survive, you’ll wonder why you bought such a thing to begin with.
    Try it, if you like it, buy it. It’s your life.

  18. John Smith. Says:

    Interesting idea but just something else to break in real world combat.. Nice for civilians thought…

  19. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    At what point do we finally say that AR accessories have jumped the shark?

  20. SteveA Says:

    Damn you TomcatTCH! give me my rock back!!

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